Home Loan for Self-employed

Home Loan for Business Owners/Self Employed

For a lender, it is relatively difficult to process a home loan application for a self-employed person as

compared to the application of a wage earner. Examining  financial statement of accounts  of a

business requires basic understanding of accounting and also how different types of business


For self-employed person, the evidence of income is statement of financial accounts for last two

years. Lending criterion is  of course similar and banks want to ascertain that you have adequate

income to repay your loan. Other evidence of income can be your IRD Tax Returns.

If your business performance has improved this year as compared to last year and you  are earning

more now, we are experts in impressing upon the bank to get your higher loan approval based on

current higher income.

We as financial advisers with extensive experience in this area, can examine your financial situation, advise you various options of loan raising. We have helped

many  self employed home buyers in getting best home loan offers and do it every day even after

being declined by their bank.  Call on us for a no obligation chat or enquire online.